This group came together because we were tired of putting on multiple fundraisers throughout the year for minimal monetary gain for multiple clubs, activities, and athletic teams. We want a board, members, committee chairs, administration and the community all involved in the future of USD439 and working towards the same goals. We want transparency. We want to get away from "This is the way we've always done it".
Our school is getting a makeover, the culture is changing (thanks to our new leaders), it was time for us to update as well.
Program Sponsorships - Rebekah Morse - Networking with local businesses to create a collaborative culture to promote businesses sponsoring the school.
Student Appreciation - Jenny Burns - All things fun! Develop themes for dances for HS/JH. Initiate new events that consist of FUN for all grade levels and promote school spirit.
Teachers/Student Appreciation - Pennie Schaffer - Lead events and activities to show our appreciation to teachers, students and families. Events: Student of the Month, Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Conference Meals, K-12 Teacher Requests, Mother and Son Events
After Prom-Jr Class Parents - Melissa Evans and Beth McGinn - Currently class of 2024 and 2025 are very close to funds needed for After Prom, the first class that we will budget the FULL after prom cost will be Class of 2026 (their Jr Year).
Community Events - Shane Vondracek - Host events to show appreciation to the community members. Events: Breakfast with a Buddy, Grandparent Event, Cardinal Pride Night and Carnival
Fundraising- Pledge and Calendar Raffle - Molly Davis and Katie Brown - Work on the two large fundraisers for the Year to support all programs within Cardinal Collective. Secure 6 large items for the Calendar Raffle. Events: Pledge Drive and Calendar Raffle
Social Media - Shaela Larson and Chantel Rindt - Use your graphic talents to create fliers, FB posts and catchy signs to promote events and celebrate district-wide success!